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lundi 8 août 2011

(Archive) Hints for a differentiated governance for Cloud Computing

Announce, Paris, October 4. 2010 : a founding member of The Archilogy Institute suggests on some hints to implement a differentiated governance for Cloud Computing

A relational approach of Cloud Computing can complement the classical technical (eg : SaaS, PaaS and IaaS) and organisational (eg : private, hybrid, public) approaches.

In the article titled "Une gouvernance différenciée pour le Cloud Computing" ("a differentiated governance for Cloud Computing") and published on, Tru Dô-Khac, a founding member of The Achilogy Institute, gives some hints to implement a differentiated governance for Cloud Computing.
Differentiated governance can be an efficient approach to align information systems to the enterprise strategy [1]. " A differentiated governance for Cloud Computing " proposes a way to define various IT governance regimes that could be institualized to support a Cloud Computing strategy.

First, the author revisits "Service Level Agreement" (SLA) which labels for most IT industry authors the entire contract between a user and an IT services provider, and "Operation Level Agreement" (OLA) which often labels an SLA agreed between internal entities of an IT service provider. Then, he reinterprets SLA into "commitments of service quality" and OLA into "performance objectives set for engaged resources", which he has suggested in a book on corporate telecom outsourcing published in 2005 [2] : Cloud Computing governance patterns seems to be very closed to corporate telecom governance patterns.

Besides, while reducing the scope of SLA to quality issues and moving the OLA from the internal operations of a supplier to the interface between a client and a supplier, Tru Dô-Khac suggests to encapsulate arrangements governing a Cloud Computing agreement into a third type of agreement that he calls "Service Governance Arrangements" (SGA) [3].

As a result, Tru Dô-Khac proposes a set of three elementary relational elements (SLA, OLA and SGA) that helps to define various blueprints of Cloud Computing regimes .

[1] "Managing IT for scale, speed and innovation", Sam Marwaha and Paul Willmott, McKinsey on IT, Fall 2006, McKinsey and Company.
[2] " L'externalisation des télécoms d'entreprise " (Corporate telecoms outsourcing), Tru Dô-Khac, Hermes Lavoisier, May 2005.
[3] The notion of service governance arrangements is used in medical care.

Contrat Creative Commons
 "Hints to implement a differentiated governance for Cloud Computing " by Tru Dô-Khac est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité - Partage des Conditions Initiales à l'Identique 2.0 France.

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